Monday, January 28, 2008

Brr...It's cold out there!

I live in Canada. Contrary to popular belief, it is not always cold here and we do not all live in igloos. However, right now where I live, we have lots of snow. Its -46 celsius with the wind chill. It's really pretty though!

This is where our sidewalk should be...

...but, it's not there!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sorry everybody, I hardly ever answer your comments. I am going to try to answer your comments a lot more.

Century Rolls by John Adams

I recently have started listening to a really interesting piece of music. Its called Century Rolls. It is a piano concerto by John Adams. John Aams was commissioned by Emanuel Ax for to write a new piano concerto for Emanuel Ax to play with the Cleveland Orchestra. I have to admit though, I just don't understand the piece. The more I listen to it, the more I understand it and appreciate it, but its just hard to understand. I suggest that you listen to it, and listen to it, and listen to it some more. I think you'll like it. I do. Some things to listen for-Especially listen to the rhythms and the way that the different instruments work together to make a rich musical tapestry. Its brilliant. Also listen to the colour and the vibrance of the piece. Its really neat.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crazy dog

Here are some crazy photos of my funny dog. I laughed so hard about some of these. My sister thought I was crazy.