Most people don't think a pond like this is nice, but to me it is paradise. I sat there, all alone for about ten minutes. The Boreal Chorus Frogs and the Wood Frogs were calling, but when I got close, they all stopped. I sat down, and soon, hesitantly, they started chirping again.
Check out the colour of green. It looked better in real life, but it was beautiful, so bright and alive. I love ponds.
This is my favourite place to look for frogs. You can hear the Boreal Chorus Frogs chirping away loudly (they sound similar to when you run your fingers along the teeth of a comb.
I saw this cute little caterpiller.
When I poked it by accident, it curled up into a little ball. Adorable.
A Compton's Tortoiseshell butterfly that I saw.
We took a break in the little shelter. Thats my dog, Mozart, who is taking a break. We wore him out. You should have seen him on the drive home! He was pooped.
The leaves are coming out!
Some pretty little wood violets.
Check this out! Its a little pollen fluff suspended across the path by a practically invisible spider web.
My dad, being a bryologist, insisted that I take a picture of a moss. So here it is. And for your info, the species is Orthotrichum Speciosum
So that is my report of our Sunday morning adventure. It was pretty superb.
wow, great post Daniel!
It's been a long time since I checked out your blog, I better keep up to date!
Thanks Josh! I'm really enjoying blogging and writing at the moment, and so watch for some more posts in the near future.
Try using Google Reader for keeping up with blogs. You can use the same account that you use for your blog, and when you sign in, it will tell you if there is any new posts from the blogs you read.
absolutely love the pictures, awesome quality!
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