Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rehearsals etc.

Hi everyone!

Life is crazy. Seriously, I always seem to be busy, but right now, I think I'm busier then I've ever been. I'm sitting in rehearsal for The Wizard of Oz with a rare spare moment as they rehearse Munchkinland, one of the few scenes that I'm not needed for! Rehearsals are going very well, and it's very exciting! There's always multiple things going on in the theatre building where we rehearse, so we're rehearsing in the space in front of the stage as they paint enormous drops for the show on the actual stage (it's the only place big enough to be able to lay them out and paint them!). Right now, they're painting one for the Emerald City and it looks wonderful! I'm off-book for the stuff we're doing today and so it feels really nice and productive to work on character stuff without script in hand. It feels like it's slowly starting to have some shape. We have about a month and a half! Anyway, that's all for now, I think I'm called soon. I may post these periodically if I get some downtime during rehearsals...

Take care everyone!

Note: Although I'll type them when I'm at rehearsal, I won't be able to post them till I get to wi-fi, hence the possibly strange posting times.

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