Sunday, September 8, 2013

30A30D- Day 3- "Land & Sea" - Sarah Slean

"LAND & SEA"- Sarah Slean

Sarah Slean is a renowned Canadian singer/songwriter/pianist, and again, I hadn't really heard much by her. Land & Sea is a 2-disc album, 9 songs on the first part, "Land" and 9 on the other, "Sea". Neat idea. Land is mostly comprised of more upbeat "pop" tunes, whereas Sea is full of rich, soulful ballads. Personally, I thought that Slean's voice shines a bit more in Sea, which is absolutely gorgeous. The first song on Sea, "Cosmic Ballet" is worth the entire album, as it's this sprawling, expansive, delicious 6 minute song. I'd be interested to hear her live, because I feel like she's the sort of performer who is probably absolutely amazing in concert. 

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